Lisa Rigby's studio is in the same building as Bill Prochnow's studio. Original Chlorox factory has been divided into studio units for local artists. Dressed very casual, Lisa is happy to meet us. She is currently trying to reignite local art buzz, slowed by Covid-19 pandemic. Lisa's studio is in the back of top floor. She shares the space with 3 other artists, one of them is Janis Anton who's studio is also available to tour on Art Visit. Lisa's studio has high ceiling and a dramatic view of industrial Oakland. Lisa is a cheerful person. With a smile on her face, she jokes about artist's life and long hikes in nature with her daughter.
Lisa's artwork is in sharp contrast to the industrial feel of her studio. Lisa loves the nature. She sets time aside to hike local trails with her family. In her paintings Lisa captures the emotions of how we feel when we're in the nature. In her daily job, Lisa works with nature too. The company that she works for connects ridge trails of multiple Bay Area counties into one continuous loop.

Lisa's paintings look familiar to anyone who lives in Northern California. Forest trails leads my eye into the perspective of the sunburned hills. I inspecting Lisa's bold color choices, her careful brushstrokes and dynamic pastel lines. Lisa's colours are contemporary. They reminds of late David Hockney. Red tree trunks grow from deep purple shadow showing off beautiful hues of fresh leaves. Lisa's green is eye popping, giving the nature dreamlike qualities. It is the sound of passing Union Pacific train reminds me that I'm still in Oakland, not in the redwoods of Point Reis, or in the open reserve of Los Altos Hills.

Lisa's artwork is fresh and contemporary. She mixes real subjects with methodical abstraction. Few years back, Lisa swapped canvas for a wooden panels because of the natural look and portability. Lisa's breaks rules and overlays acrylic paints with wild pastel color lines. Her nature is vibrant, gripping, almost decorative. Lisa's hand is precise, but she refuses photorealist details. Her abstraction is emotive with poster like impact.

Lisa is a young artist with a strong voice and big potential. It impressive to see how Lisa manage to be a mother, an artist, an employee a nature lover at the same time. I bet it's not easy but Lisa makes it feel like her painting, effortless.

If you like eye pleasing landscapes with an abstract touch visit studio of Lisa Rigby in Oakland.

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